How to reduce weight and burn fat is cold?

  Sure, "you have heard this cold weather can be effective in weight loss and fat burning!
But is it really "cold weather exercise can help you burn more calories and lose weight? When this issue was raised, enthusiasm among those who were trying to lose weight, build, Even a glass full of cold water to drink every day, and unfortunately people with headaches were uncomfortable Finally, when no weight low were disappointed not to do it. In this article you'll come to realize that the cold weather will help you lose weight and burn fat or not.

Body temperature How does it work?

In 2010, NASA engineer Ray Cronise in a video report on how to lose weight and burn fat in cold weather discussed. And then interviewed Mr. Tim Ferriss body temperature to burn fat more information on how to manipulate stated. Body temperature is ideal works. But when the body is cold or cold food uses (such as water too cold) The body must burn calories on a temporary basis in order to keep warm, or warm up cold food that is consumed lift. Shivering is a perfect example of this.

When your body shivers in cold weather or hot food into your body, your body shiver to generate heat, Shiver body temperature in response to the contraction of involuntary muscles, so when the body's muscles contract, Burn calories and generates heat in the process. But in other ways the body can produce heat. For example, there is a type of adipose tissue called brown adipose tissue or BAT briefly called Which is abundant in humans and mammals that hibernate are also found.
This type of brown fat to release free fatty acids from the fat stored in the body or in the food source is And especially heat for keeping warm winter sleeping humans or animals mammals produce.
But you exposure to cold air or exercise in cold weather can produce brown fat. What? Regular white fat into brown fat tissue by burning calories. Now that you know the cold to burning more calories and fat helps, In this 5 Practical Ways to burn fat and calories in the cold the most burning brown fat tissue briefly presented.

5 Practical Ways to get frost to burn fat

11.     Start and finish the day with a cold shower. This not only lowers appetite but eating extra calories in meals for breakfast or dinner to prevent.
22.      If you live in an area with cold weather, to go out for exercise. While sports clubs are so cozy you exercise the more calories you burn in the open air. At the beginning of practice, but a bit cold in the first 10 minutes after exercise, your body will be warm. Parts of the body that are sensitive to cold quite a scarf, gloves and socks, woolen cloth, such as face, hands and feet.
33.      Water sports include in their application. Michael Phelps diet (American swimmer, having won 22 Olympic medals and Praftkhartryn history of the Olympic Games) that was published in The Wall Street Journal contains 12,000 calories per day. One of the reasons this swimming champion high calorie intake, but organs of wasting so much is that he does exercise in water You can exercise and swimming in cold water burn calories and fat.
44.      Of ice: If you live in a region with a warm climate and access to cold weather, you can lower the temperature of your body with a simple trick. Simply fill the bathtub with ice and your feet for 5 to 15 minutes to get in it. Your body increases the burning of calories to maintain your core temperature reacts.
55.      Do not be afraid of a cold shower. After a cold shower can entertain themselves with household work or to make breakfast more calories your body will burn. The cold shower is a bit uncomfortable in the beginning but you'll get used to it within a few weeks. Each of the above methods will burn more calories than eating cold water.

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