Certainly "You have heard that weight loss in women harder than men to training needs.
But why should women exercise more vigorously, in order to be able to reach your ideal weight?In one study, two groups of men and women for 16 weeks, a similar exercise fitness and their ability practiced by 66 percent.At the end of the study found that more men than women Mtansb body achieved an average weight loss was greater.
Why the weight loss and fitness, workouts are better men?
A main reason for the more rapid weight loss, body structure differences between the two sexes.The body has more muscle and more muscle men than women, the metabolism more.Muscular organ to organ more fat metabolic rate higher.The important issue is that even when men are at rest;Burn more calories than women, and that the process of weight loss will help.The female body has more fat than men. This fact suggests that women should not only be careful about their diet,But weight loss in women need more exercise and training should also be taken seriously,While men may only exercise can overcome the problem of overweight.
For the women, like men conclude it is necessary to replace 65 percent to 85 percent of his practice.The exercise harder and longer to get results, similar men And as we said at the beginning, more muscular organ metabolism and body fat are very low metabolic rate.
Women are more motivated to exercise!
While it may be easier for men to want their physical form, But this does not mean that it is impossible for a woman to dream. All of us have our differences And even if more time is required to achieve our goals if we try to move forward to reach your goals.
Eat healthy and exercise regularly, and soon you will see good results.
It should be noted at the end of body weight training for women than men to react laterThe ladies if they want them: large, muscular and tactile total amount must be patient,For example, after 10 weeks of strength training, muscle mass, it does not find a significant increase of approximately "should wait two months are up.
weight loss for women and female metabolism tips
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